Seniors and the Disability Tax Credit
The Canada Revenue Disability Tax Credit is available to any Canadian taxpayer
who has a long term disability which affects day to day life function.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) allows people to back file up to 10 years of
missed credits.
If you are a senior or are claiming benefits for a loved one, know that mobility
issues, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Arthritis, Colitis, and many more (link to list) are all
disabilities which you could claim thousands of dollars for.
If you are caring for a senior and you are their sole provider you are able to claim
the Disability credit for them.
Sasha’s Story
Yana’s father, Sasha, was having a hard time caring for himself after his wife died
so he moved into Yana’s home and began living with her family. Yana was
working as a store clerk and her husband was between jobs. Sasha had a hard
time walking and was in a wheelchair. The stairs in Yana’s house were not an
option. It was a trying time for everyone as they tried to make Sasha comfortable
but it seemed the only solution was to build a ramp into the house and create a
separate room on the main floor for Sasha but money was tight.
Yana learned about the Disability Tax Credit from a friend at work and she
contacted us. We were in touch with Sasha’s Doctor and completed a successful
claim to the CRA, getting $14,900.00 for Yana as her father’s sole provider.
They built their ramp and a beautiful sunny room for Sasha.
Let us help you file a successful claim and get you up to $40,000 in disability